Fabulous Too!
Every year Imberhorne students in Year 11 embark on a 'Graduation' process and as part of this, the Year 11 student led charity event has become a rite of passage. With Covid restrictions hampering the last two years, this Class of 2022 were keen to put the event back in the calendar with a huge wow factor.
With Mr Rob Langstone, our inspirational Head of Year 11 at the helm, the students created the idea for ‘Fabulous Too!’ an evening of murder mystery, cabaret and music with supper - following in the footsteps of 'Fabulous', the event that took place back in 2017 when Mr Langstone was last Head of Year 11. Sixty enthusiastic and creative students took up the challenge and responsibility by jumping on board with the event. Some led on food production in the kitchens and some took on the role of food service, preferirng the front of house limelight. Other students deployed their performing arts skills as part of the murder mystery cast or entertained with music and song. All of this in the week following their second round of mock exams!
The students, as a year group, selected the three charities to benefit from the evening and made an incredible £1276 profit to share equally among them. One local, Last Chance Animal Rescue, one national, Spread a Smile and one international, Coco’s Foundation
The East Grinstead Business Association with over 125 members in the town, did not disappoint in terms of supporting the school with this event. Thank you to Waitrose East Grinstead for supplying much of the menu ingredients, meaning that more cash could be contrinuted to the charities. Thank you to the award winning Stones Family Butchers for providing the chicken at a very reasonable cost price. We are grateful to the Felbridge Hotel for supplying napkins and service cloths and to Apple and Core who supported the school, even though they have had a tough time during covid, by supplying all the bone china crockery. Glassware was lent to us from Coordination Event Hire in Crawley and we would also like to thank Martells, Waterstones, Scott Cinemas, Godstone Farm, Tulley’s Farm, Boostfit, Frazer Visser Photography, Volume 1 Climbing and The Tasting Rooms for supplying amazing raffle prizes.
Imberhorne staff gave their goodwill in spades - Mrs Froger, Leader of Technology, was on hand to support the kitchen teams under George and Josh’s stewardship. Mr Celani, Mrs Buss, Ms Luxton, Mrs Browning, Mrs Latchman, Mrs Quick, Miss Bellasis, Mr Thompson and Mrs Jones - represented almost the entire Year 11 Pastoral Team, giving up their Friday night to support the students. Last but by no means least, thank you to Mr Brown, Headteacher, for his relentless contribution from 4pm until midnight at the dishwasher.
Finally a big thank you to the parents and carers of Year 11 students who booked tickets not knowing how this 'one night only' event would pan out!
Our young people showed their resilience, critical thinking, empathy, communication, collaboration and creativity and ran with this opportunity to show how brightly they can shine.