Year 13s Charlie Shuttleworth performs in a band called Graffiti, they have just released their first single ‘Nobody knows where we are going’ which he wrote. Last night they appeared on Meridian Radio Station (East Grinstead Local Radio Station)
A visit to King's College London
On Thursday 9th January, our Year 12 Physics students visited King’s College London for their Annual Physics Lecture. On arrival we had the time to enjoy several hands-on physics activities which got us all thinking (and scratching our heads in some cases!). We then listened to a 30-minute lecture by a current student at King’s who talked us though her journey from A levels, Batchelors and Masters degrees and finally learnt about her PhD which is looking at levitating spheres in order to research their thermodynamic properties on the quantum level. Finally, Dr James Millen lectured on “Where does all the quantum go?” which discussed how quantum physics differs to classical physics, current technologies that use quantum physics and possibilities for the science in the future. A great trip!
Could all students who left Imberhorne School in July 2024 and who were in YR11/YR12/YR13 please come in and collect your exam certificates if you have not already done so by the end of January. You will need to collect them from Reception between 8.30-16.00.
It is important that you collect your certificates as you will need them in the future. We only keep them for two years and then they are destroyed. If you need your certificates after that you will have to pay each exam board at least £50 for them to reprint the certificate. Thank you.
We are excited to announce our upcoming Futures Fair on Wednesday, 29th January.
If you or someone from your organization is interested in participating as a volunteer exhibitor, please contact us by emailing lparker [at] imberhorne [dot] co [dot] uk. We would be grateful for your support in making this event a success for our students.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to inspire and guide the next generation of professionals.